Homemade body scrub

March 23, 2012

Who says you can,t make your own body scrub at home? Well, it is possible with few natural ingredients which exist in every kitchen.

You need the following:

- a jar
- white or brown sugar
- extra virgin olive oil
- jojoba oil or almond oil
- few drops of lemon essential oil

Preparation: I put the sugar in the jar, I added 2 spoons of olive oil and 1 spoon of jojoba or almond oil. I mix these ingredients and at the end I added 4-5 drops of lemon essential oil.

After you apply it on wet skin, it will remove any dead skin, leaving soft, hydrated skin.

You can adjust the quantity you wish and you can prepare it only with olive oil if you don,t have handy other oils.

This scrub will not produce any allergies as it is a natural product.

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  1. Vintagelooksimona23 March 2012 at 09:37

    Hihi, ce fain arata! :D Eu nu am incercat cu zahar niciodata, numai cu zat de cafea, cu malai, dar acesta este cam prea agresiv cu pielea si cu bicarbinat pentru fata, insa tot mi-am propus sa incerc si cu zahar, multumesc pentru idee... :)

  2. bravo , si eu fac tot felul de retete de vre-o 2 ani..sunt super !

  3. Adina-Mirabela Gavriloi26 March 2012 at 10:33

    Multumim pentru idee,arata forte bine si cred ca este si extrem de folositor.O sa il testez cat de curand!

  4. Chiar te rog sa-l testezi si sa revii apoi cu o opinie obiectiva:))) 
