Homemade Scrub

February 13, 2017

Who doesn`t love homemade beauty products? They are  so cheap and so naturally, you can prepare it easy at your home with a low budget.
Today I will show you my sea salt scrub.

Here are the ingredients I used for this homemade salt scrub:

- 6 spoon kosher salt
- half of lemon
- 4 spoon organic coconut oil ( can be substituted with almond oil or olive oil but I prefer the coconut one)
- some fresh mint leaves 
- optionally - drops of essential oil of your choice, I didn`t add, the coconut oil and the mint leaves give a delicious and fresh smell 

How I made it:

I mixed all the ingredients in the blender but not for long time because I wanted to use this scrub for the feet, so it should be rough scrub.
I can say that is the best scrub I ever used. It leaves my skin cool and smooth.

Do you use homemade scrub?

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